The Capital of Kansas is...

Wednesday, June 5, 2019.              Junction Cit, KS to Topeka, KS.                        82 miles
Ascent= 3,263 feet    Descent= 3,388 feet.                                     Cumulative= 1,755 miles
Temp= 71-93 degrees

Yesterday was our third of five rest days, and I was able to spend it with Prudy and John. After a Cracker Barrel breakfast, we rode back to Abilene in their nice new car, with a seat that was much larger and softer than my bike saddle was when I biked this the day before.  We were able to tour Eisenhower's boyhood home and Presential Library, and the chapel where he and Mamie and one of their sons who died in childhood are buried. The Presidential Musem was closed for renovations, but  if I'm back in Abilene within the year, I can get into the museum free. Or, if you are planning to be in Ablilene within the next year, I can mail my ticket to you.

We returned to Junction City where Prudy again volunteered to do my laundry. She claims that it is her favorite thing to do, and since it is not my favorite, I let her do it while I took a rest day nap.
Wow, best rest day ever!! Thank you Prudy.  After the nap it was happy hour, dinner at Munson's Prime (Steak House), a night cap and bed.  I was able to say goodbye to them this morning before they headed out to see our niece Anna and her family in St.Louis before heading home to SC.  Everyone on the tour enjoyed meeting them and spending time with them, of course.

There were no weather threats or problems today, although it was the hottest day in some time and most humid yet. The landscape keeps getting greener with more trees and the rivers keep getting wider. We had more and higher hills as well and the most climbing since New Mexico. The hills are the rollers or poppers, that you climb and then descend, usually climbing again almost right away.  They are not huge hills, but it does get progressively harder as the day progresses. This was not how I imagined eastern Kansas.

One of the highlights of the day was "The Pie Shop", which apparently has become a Tour tradition, with the bikers stopping there every year.  It is actually The Sommerset Hall Cafe, right at the main intersection of the tiny unicorporated Town of Dover, KS, in case you want took for it next time you're in this part of KS, maybe on your way to the Eisenhowerr Museum.  It is worth going a little out of your way. It is in an old clapboard building, not much to look at from the outside.  We were there between noon and 1:00 and the place was packed with locals, including a long table with about 20 older women (defined as older than me, at least I think they are).  I had a BLT followed by a huge piece of Apple crumb pie with ice cream, and I didn't have to feel guilty as I burned way more calories than that today.  For the past two days we have been on Kansas State Highways, which are well maintained, scenic and little traveled; perfect for biking.

It was plenty hot when we arrived, but it got even hotter after we arrived, and I had time for a nap after cleaning up, but before dinner.  All in all, a very good day on the bike tour.


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