Just a quick post to check that this all works, since I have never blogged before.  I am Jeff Page and my main purpose in writing this blog is to chronicle my transcontinental bike ride, from LA to Boston, to help me better remember the trip and for family and friends to keep tabs on me  if they are so inclined.

So the name of this blog describes it all:  LA to Boston in 49 days.  I will be biking with 17 other inscriptees, 15 of us going coast to coast, the others doing differing large segments of the trip.

Just as a side note, I had chosen a more colorful title for this blog, but my wife, Kathy, said that she would to embarrassed to share the title with anyone, so I have renamed the blog for her comfort.  I thought that the previous name was perfectly appropriate for use in mixed company. It did, however, include a precise, clinical, scientific name for an anatomic structure, namely the one that supports most of the body weight on the bicycle saddle, which I did not consider offensive.  However I acknowledge that as a retired OB/GYN my sensitivity on this might not align with the non-medical people who happen to read the blog.  So, "LA to Boston in 49 days" it is.  The bikers of the Thursday Night Men's Club will know exactly what the previous title was, as it was also the name of our first Club Century (100 mile ride).

I arrived in LA yesterday, May 9, 2019, and we start pedaling on Sunday May 12. I don't anticipate anything blog-worthy before then, so my next post will probably not be before Sunday. I hope to include pictures in future posts, but I do not consider the sea of concrete and pavement that surround our hotel here as being memorable so you will have to wait for photos.


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